One More we go again!
I met with my UCSD oncologist last week and got the low-down on the new chemo plan. Since it is an oral medication she thinks it is best to take my port out since it could cause an infection. Yes, it is time to "terminate" Arnold! I hope they let me keep it...I'm weird like that. ;o) I will be getting that done on Wednesday. My friend Lucia will be taking me since Joe will be out of town and Kendall will be teaching. I will be under a light anesthesia so I am sure I will be a bit goofy, heaven knows she has seen me this way before! lol
Lucia and I getting in a good long hike at Torrey Pines! |
The following Monday I will be starting Xeloda. I will take it after breakfast and dinner every day for 2 weeks followed by a week off. I will continue this pattern for 6 months...yup, I said 6 months! It's a long one but I want to throw it all at this thing. The main side effects this causes is diarrhea (lovely) and something called hand and foot syndrome. When the nurse read through everything I am supposed to avoid in hopes to prevent getting it, it pretty much described everything that is involved with being a hairstylist. Don't be on your feet too much, keep your hands dry, no hot or cold water on hands and feet, don't wear rubber gloves...I mean really?!?!
It also says that I can't go on long walks or hiking, aerobics...needless to say I am trying to pack all that stuff in now while I can!
The medication also reduces my red and white blood counts so that puts me back in the no hugs and being extra careful with germs and crowds. I am totally banking on not having any of these symptoms. I did so well with my other chemos and radiation that I am just sure I will do fine with this as well. After all, I have a wedding to help plan, make things for and most of all, attend! What a joyous distraction!
Blessings and Goodbyes
So today we celebrated my friend Kyle's birthday and life. Yes, it was his birthday today and also the day we all said goodbye. It was heartwarming to see the church packed full of people that all loved Kyle, what an incredible turn out for such an incredible man. Listening to everyone talk about Kyle filled my heart with such pride. I always knew he was an amazing guy but hearing person after person get up to talk about him was so enlightening. He was truly a man of God and so dedicated to his family, church, and friends. I am so proud of him and all that he did without bragging to us or looking for any kind of recognition. He was a blessing in my life but also to so many others.
Kyle Hammerness, I am so grateful our paths crossed in life. Rest in paradise my friend!
Kyle and his beautiful family at his son's confirmation |