Thursday, October 8, 2015

Short and to the Point

Sorry for the delayed post today. I just got home and it is 10:15PM. It has been a long day for sure! So today was the MRI results day and Danielle drove down last night to be there with me. Joe ended up being able to make it after all and met us there. 

Good news and bad news. Let's start by saying that I really didn't hear what I wanted to hear today. 

The bad news is that the MRI shows that the tumor has not shrunk from before the 12 taxol treatments. It still measure 2.5 cm. Both Dr Parker and I are surprised to hear this because it is very hard to feel now. I used to be able to feel it very clearly and it was like an olive under my skin. I have to really search for it now and when I do find it I would say it is more pea sized. These tumors can be very aggressive so the fact that it did not grow is good though. They also can be very receptive to chemo and often shrink and die but I just guess mine didn't react that way to this particular round. I am still thinking they are seeing scar tissue or dense breast matter and that they are WRONG!!!

The good news is that the MRI did not pick up any lymph node involvement so there is still a possibility that it has not spread to my lymph node/s. So now a week from today (Thursday) I will start the AC treatments. I need everyone to send up prayers that these 2 new meds I will get every 2 weeks will kick my cancer's butt!!! From here to oblivion!! Have at it everyone, please send up those prayers that I will still here those lovely letters NED (no evidence of disease) when the time comes!  

After we left the doctor's office Danielle drove me to LA and we shopped for some fun new holiday stuff for the salon. New jewelry and scarves just in time for the holidays! Then I took the train home where Joe picked me up and I went straight to Betty King's for our "bunko that doesn't play bunko" night. We had a lovely dinner and discussed so many fun things! What a great bunch of friends! Then they surprised me with a beautiful new book bag and filled it with books that everyone brought for me. So many books and not enough time! I cannot wait to read them all. I am so blessed!

Okay, I have some other stuff I want to write about but this tired little puppy needs to get to bed. I just wanted to make sure I got this posted so you all had the news from the MRI. 


  1. Really glad to hear the lymph nodes aren't involved. And it may now be smaller than when you started but it's great news that it isn't any larger. I'm praying it will disappear by your next MRI. I put it in our churches prayer request chain every week. I hope you are enjoying your time off from treatments. Thanks for always updating here. Xoxo

  2. Hi Beth,

    My mom sent me the link to your blog. I just wanted to say that you have another person out there hoping and praying for you! I am amazed at your courage and attitude!

    Wishing you well!!!

  3. Still praying Beth!! This is Cathy, not Elisa!
