Sunday, June 21, 2015


First of all I hope everyone had a lovely day celebrating the men in their lives.  Joe, Kendall and I drove up and met Danielle and her boyfriend Casey for lunch at the Irvine Spectrum and we had a lovely day.  Of course we missed not having Cameron and Nana there (they both happen to be in NY).  I am glad we were able to take some time to let Joe know that he is very loved and very appreciated. Then we went to mass back at St Gregs, the homily was about "Be still and have faith!" That really hit the spot.

Tonight's message from me however is that I need a little "HELP".  I am in need of some extra prayers from y'all. Good old "positive Beth" is a bit scared. Lots of tests tomorrow and stepping into the unknown. I have an ultra sound (easy-schmeasy, I've had a ton of these at least) but then I have 2 CT scans and a PET scan.  I am not so much afraid of the tests but the results I guess.  I know these results are what's going to unveil what all is going on in this vessel of mine.  I also know that the oncology/surgery team are meeting tomorrow morning to discuss what they know about my case from the current test results they have.  Whew... breathe Beth, breathe.  Pray Beth, Pray. Trust Beth, Trust. Faith Beth, Faith.  Time to head up to bed and turn this brain off for the day.

Please keep me in your prayers and good thoughts as this week unveils itself to us.  I need some extra ones right now.  


  1. Hi Beth - sending you lots of love, prayers, hugs and kisses today. I hope everything goes well with the tests and results. Love you lots!

    -Monica Sears :)

  2. Praying you'll have some peace, Beth. Remember to exhale! Love you, Priscilla

  3. Beth, I am praying for you. I offered Mass this morning for you, and will keep offering Mass for you daily. You've GOT this!
